急~請問中原大學旁的聯樟富貴 |
發表者:grace 發表數:-17 IP:203.64.212.* | 2004-11-01 11:09:32 |
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請問有沒有人去看過中原大學旁聯樟建設蓋的聯樟富貴??優 |
回覆者:samhsu 發表數:-17 IP:61.224.78.* | 2004-11-21 00:15:37 |
We have looked into this case seriourly, but haven't made up our mind to buy it. I ,personally don't feel the price is right, because there're big construction on going next to this case. I think those new houses will dilute the house price eventually. I have negotiated with sales person, they claimed the price is not possible lower than NTD$9M,I am lokking for somewhere around $8M. I can't commend on the quality, I'm not expert. But the overall environment is not worthy the price they asked. We have been living in ChungLi more than 10 years, I don't think I'll pay the price. Did you buy it? |
回覆者:Alien 發表數:-17 IP:61.231.149.* | 2004-11-02 00:37:34 |
我同事有買,900多吧,但我覺得工期有點慢,因為本來說7-8月 就要交屋,到現在好像磁磚都還沒鋪好,生活機能是不錯,也是 他買的原因,但我覺得她好像後悔了,好像覺得單價太高,因為 如果離中原再遠一點的好像會便宜滿多的 |
回覆者:中壢 發表數:-17 IP:203.67.153.* | 2004-11-02 00:18:06 |
這棟房子蓋的有 一點快至於深耕沒啦除非有其他期 | |
回覆者:vincev 發表數:-17 IP:211.76.98.* | 2004-11-02 00:11:13 |
我住在中原附近,前一陣子想要買房子,所以對聯樟富貴有 個概念: 一、它是集中式的停車場,沒有本身的停車場,地下室的停 車空間是共有式的,和一般的透天厝不太一樣。 二、它的坪數蠻大的,好像最小從85坪開始。 三、它的棟距蠻小的,你可以去現場觀察一下! 四、它位在中原大學旁,生活機能還可以!(因為中原的商 圈在正大門附近,但聯樟富貴在後門的運動區) 五、對面還有一些空地,或許以後會有不錯的規劃… 六、新中北路過環中東路有一個建案「深耕」,好像快蓋 好了,建議您過去看看… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 以上是個人的淺見,僅供參考,請不吝指教! |
回覆者:grace 發表數:-17 IP:203.64.212.* | 2004-11-01 16:21:12 |
請知道的人幫幫忙~急阿~謝謝 | |
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