
發表者:Dr. Albert  發表數:58 IP:61.229.11.* 2006-07-11 14:23:30

People think that real estate in Taipei city is going to be more expensive due to limited supply.

In general, Taiwan economy is not so good. But this is not to discourage the buying in Taipei.

回覆者:月兒彎灣 發表數:98 IP:218.167.172.* 2006-07-11 15:07:41
回覆 Dr. Albert 於 :2006-07-11 14:23:30 的發言內容

People think that real estate in Taipei city is going to be more expensive due to limited supply.

In general, Taiwan economy is not so good. But this is not to discourage the buying in Taipei.

(將英文翻成中文, 只是好玩! 如果翻譯的不好, 煩請各位大大賜教, 謝謝!)

人們認為在台北市內的不動產, 因為有限的供給, 正變得比較貴了.

一般而言, 台灣經濟不是這麼好, 但是這無法打消在台北市內購買房子.
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