班芙春泉占有靜美後花園 |
發表者:馬爾立 發表數:80 IP:59.120.89.* | 2005-06-23 17:03:29 |
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建築的價值除了地段與財富外,還應具備令身心靈完美平衡的快樂、健康及富足等要素,富宇建設在素有台中陽明山、最美後花園之稱的台中市十期重劃區,推出「班芙春泉」十一樓健康休閒花園大樓,正是要營造大坑國家風景區前絕無僅有的風、光、水景,構築森林都會生活,不僅有如度假勝地,更是四季人文的天堂,號召一種嚮往,徜徉在台中市最後的清靜美地。 |
回覆者:馬爾立 發表數:80 IP:59.120.89.* | 2005-06-24 11:30:04 |
回覆 mdkl 於 :2005-06-23 22:42:55 的發言內容
Hi MDKL:You are an employee of 富宇建設 or broker seemingly since I never see a customer to promote "banff spring" so aggressively. The attitute seems to be more active than a nature customer. Please don't mind if I have a wrong guess. I'm really not an employee of "Banff Spring", I am one of customer. I like the apartment very much, just want share to everyone. No matter what you said, I'm standing stable!! |
回覆者:Chiuchutra 發表數:48 IP:220.135.226.* | 2005-06-23 22:48:46 |
回覆 mdkl 於 :2005-06-23 22:42:55 的發言內容
You are an employee of 富宇建設 or broker seemingly since I never see a customer to promote "banff spring" so aggressively. The attitute seems to be more active than a nature customer. Please don't mind if I have a wrong guess. |
回覆者:mdkl 發表數:12 IP:219.80.33.* | 2005-06-23 22:42:55 |
You are an employee of 富宇建設 or broker seemingly since I never see a customer to promote "banff spring" so aggressively. The attitute seems to be more active than a nature customer. Please don't mind if I have a wrong guess. Take care! |
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