AZ學生活 |
發表者:SONICT28S 發表數:28 IP:61.65.143.* | 2005-01-14 13:41:51 |
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請問有人去看過由鉅此案了嘛? |
回覆者:台中房地產分析 發表數:711 IP:72.232.76.* | 2008-07-13 16:15:12 |
回覆 好事多 於 :2008-07-12 20:44:08 的發言內容
This KanBuDong always likes to entertain us. It's so funny that I can write anything about him in English, and he really can't understand it. I just love this. But enough with the commercials. We'll now get back to the English ability topic.再坳啊!再坳啊!死鴨子嘴硬! 是啊,許多英文老師在國內叱吒風雲,去到國外,英文卻說的結結巴巴,完全不是那一回事。那些"老師"會的是台灣英文,和新加坡英文Singlish半斤八兩,不但發音不凖,有的還咬文嚼字,非常不自然。 My English is very bad是正確English。以下是英國廣播公司BBC Learning English對一位外國學生文章的修改: ---------------------------------------------- Gol Gol, UK I had a drug addit. So now, my memories are not good. I should't have been spent any drugs. I regret, I should have been obeyed my parents. I should have been learned English. Because my English is very bed. Catherine says: Hi Gol Gol, and thanks for sharing your story with us. Your English isn't so bad (not 'bed') Gol Gol: I understand what you have written, but I'd like to help you with a couple of problems. We need to look at the difference between 'should have' and 'should have been'. We use 'should have been' with nouns, for example: 'My father was a teacher, but he didn't like his job. He should have been a doctor.' 'Should have been' is also used with adjectives, for example: 'My father was sad when his fourth child was born. I don't understand it: he should have been happy' And we also use 'should have been' with passive verb forms: 'Nobody told me that the lesson had been cancelled. I should have been told by email.' If the verb is active, use should have without been, like this: 'Nobody told me that the lesson had been cancelled. The college should have told me by email.' For more information about passive forms, look at our new improved Ask About English area. So here is an updated version of your comment, with rewrites of 'should have + past participle' and one or 2 other corrections. I had a drug addiction. So now, my memories are not good. I shouldn't have bought any drugs. I regret that: I should have obeyed my parents. I should have learned English, because my English is very bad. Good luck for your future, Gol Gol! Catherine ---------------------------------------------- 看到了嗎?中文、英文要掌握活用的原則,死背文法是沒用的。 What matters is that I can speak and write English well, while you fail miserably. That's the end of the story |
回覆者:看不懂 發表數:318 IP:218.170.107.* | 2008-07-13 15:03:24 |
回覆 黑米 於 :2008-07-12 23:36:40 的發言內容
各位各位 別吵了 由鉅大師英文班就要在台中七期開課了 天天看到智邦不動產台中版面的唬爛班已開班囉.... 歡迎大家提供來路不明的文章 證明自己說的是對的 歡迎大家東扯西聊 拉出一堆不相關的廢話充實文章內容 來證明自己"超級專業" 超會分析 歡迎大家批評各式刊物只要寫聯聚龍寶好 歡迎大家搶購各式廣告只要由鉅發文 滿嘴地點地點地點 歡迎大家天天開名車去逛新光三越好便利 歡迎大家跟總經理同學低買"不二價"房子 網路上吹噓一下 再來賣 |
回覆者:台中房地產分析 發表數:711 IP:72.232.76.* | 2008-07-13 04:10:17 |
回覆 好事多 於 :2008-07-12 20:44:08 的發言內容
是啊,許多英文老師在國內叱吒風雲,去到國外,英文卻說的結結巴巴,完全不是那一回事。那些"老師"會的是台灣英文,和新加坡英文Singlish半斤八兩,不但發音不凖,有的還咬文嚼字,非常不自然。再坳啊!再坳啊!死鴨子嘴硬! My English is very bad是正確English。以下是英國廣播公司BBC Learning English對一位外國學生文章的修改: ---------------------------------------------- Gol Gol, UK I had a drug addit. So now, my memories are not good. I should't have been spent any drugs. I regret, I should have been obeyed my parents. I should have been learned English. Because my English is very bed. Catherine says: Hi Gol Gol, and thanks for sharing your story with us. Your English isn't so bad (not 'bed') Gol Gol: I understand what you have written, but I'd like to help you with a couple of problems. We need to look at the difference between 'should have' and 'should have been'. We use 'should have been' with nouns, for example: 'My father was a teacher, but he didn't like his job. He should have been a doctor.' 'Should have been' is also used with adjectives, for example: 'My father was sad when his fourth child was born. I don't understand it: he should have been happy' And we also use 'should have been' with passive verb forms: 'Nobody told me that the lesson had been cancelled. I should have been told by email.' If the verb is active, use should have without been, like this: 'Nobody told me that the lesson had been cancelled. The college should have told me by email.' For more information about passive forms, look at our new improved Ask About English area. So here is an updated version of your comment, with rewrites of 'should have + past participle' and one or 2 other corrections. I had a drug addiction. So now, my memories are not good. I shouldn't have bought any drugs. I regret that: I should have obeyed my parents. I should have learned English, because my English is very bad. Good luck for your future, Gol Gol! Catherine ---------------------------------------------- 看到了嗎?中文、英文要掌握活用的原則,死背文法是沒用的。 What matters is that I can speak and write English well, while you fail miserably. That's the end of the story. 你的暴牙裝回去了嗎? |
回覆者:黑米 發表數:647 IP:122.118.88.* | 2008-07-12 23:36:40 |
各位 別吵了 徐薇老師英文班就要在台中七期開課了 今天看到大墩十一街興農對面的店面要開班囉.... |
回覆者:看不懂 發表數:318 IP:218.170.107.* | 2008-07-12 21:15:14 |
說真的 我國中時 英文老師是個留美比較文學碩士 但大家上課都要聽不聽的 因為實在是花招比實用多 天花亂墜 卻連基本的用語都搞不清楚 發音還不正確 人喔 看房子的眼光就跟看自己一樣 自以為了不起的學歷眼光還是地段 都是笑掉大牙的小事 若是把狗屎當黃金 每天吃也不稀奇 笑一笑就好了 |
回覆者:好事多 發表數:492 IP:60.249.2.* | 2008-07-12 20:44:08 |
回覆 台中房地產分析 於 :2008-07-12 20:19:41 的發言內容
再坳啊!再坳啊!死鴨子嘴硬!先把你的大暴牙裝回去,因為該笑的不是你。 明明去年"游錫堃"去年就是講過My English is very bad,才被許多英文老師吐槽......而你明明是筆誤打錯,還自認為瀟灑故意"不重複"..... 算了,不跟你浪費時間了.......呼籲大家都不要再回覆"它"了,一直把"尤具"相關標題擺在第一頁,真是令人"格外刺眼",大家離開這議題吧!看"它"能自彈自唱多久??? |
回覆者:台中房地產分析 發表數:711 IP:72.232.76.* | 2008-07-12 20:19:41 |
回覆 好事多 於 :2008-07-11 13:23:12 的發言內容
先把你的大暴牙裝回去,因為該笑的不是你。Oh, My English is poor? (I never say my English is well, but I feel my English level is higher than yous) How about go to high school to learn English together? 畢竟是典型讀死書的。 你"感覺"你的英文比我的好?哈哈。 既然你提了,我就慷慨教你一次,反正在此教房地產好幾年了。 "你的英文非常差" 在這裡,poor和bad是都可以用的(Your English is bad. vs. Your English is poor)。我兩者都用,因為同一段或句子附近最好不要用同一個字兩次,否則看起來太單調沒變化,同時也顯示你擁有的字彙太少。在另一場合,我很窮(I am very poor.)和我很壞(I am very bad.),poor和bad則沒有相等的意思。 英文世界裡有同義字辭典(thesaurus)就是讓寫作者選擇作變化用的。 Bad有多少同義字呢? abandoned, abject, abominable, abysmal, adverse, aggravated, annoying, arrant, atrocious, awful, baleful, baneful, barren, base, big, bitter, blameworthy, blemished, contaminated, contrite, corrupt, criminal, cruddy, damnable, dangerous, defective, deficient, degrading, deleterious, delinquent, delitescent, demeritorious, demoralized, deplorable, depraved, depressing, despicable, detestable, detrimental, diabolic, dilapidated, dire, disadvantageous, disagreeable, discreditable, diseased, disobedient, displeasing, disreputable, dissolute, distressed, dreadful, egregious, evil, excruciating, execrable, faulty, feeble, felonious, flagitious, flagrant, foul, graceless, grave, grievous, gross, hard, hardened, harmful, hazardous, heavy, heinous, hurtful, ignominious, ill, immoral, imperfect, improper, inadequate, inappropriate, inarable, inauspicious, incompetent, incorrigible, ineffective, infamous, infelicitous, inferior, infertile, iniquitous, injurious, irreparable, knavish, lamentable, lewd, libertine, licentious, lousy, mal, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, melancholy, misbehaving, mischievous, miscreant, mortal, nasty, naughty, nefarious, no good, noisome, noxious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, pernicious, perverted, poor, prejudicial, profligate, putrid, rancid, rascal, reprehensible, reprobate, repulsive, rotten, scoundrel, seedy, serious, severe, shady, sick, sinful, sinister, sordid, sorry, spoiled, squalid, stinking, tainted, troublesome, undesirable, unfavorable, unlucky, unpleasant, unprincipled, unproductive, unpropitious, unredeemable, unrighteous, unruly, unsavory, unscrupulous, untimely, untoward, unwelcome, unwholesome, vicious, vile, villainous, viperous, wanton, weak, wicked, worthless 但注意同義字並不一定是可交換的(interchangeable),使用前還是要查證是否妥當。 好了,馬放過去了。 |
回覆者:看不懂 發表數:318 IP:218.170.107.* | 2008-07-12 19:06:29 |
回覆 看不懂 於 :2008-07-11 16:42:21 的發言內容
好好的房地產討論區 應該是房市不景氣教房地產? 哈哈 中大家的明燈 指引大家道路的 結果一個活寶 跑出來強打由鉅"他買的"房子 還道貌岸然的寫說它"專業"它"分析" 拍了一堆好笑的照片 指桑罵槐 指禿驢罵和尚 然後把自己的房子捧得高高的 現在又出來重施故計烙英文 超可笑的 回家躲著哭吧 教房地產? ...大家都知道你在唬爛(千夫所指) |
回覆者:台中房地產分析 發表數:711 IP:72.232.76.* | 2008-07-12 13:48:09 |
回覆 Muda 於 :2008-07-12 06:19:23 的發言內容
Oh, I thought you never read my stuff.對自己沒自信的人,才會秀一些沒關係的東西來取得別人對自己的肯定 Here comes another friend of KanBuDong. Same as KanBuDong, usually he doesn't have anything useful to say on this board, but whenever KanBuDong is defeated, he pops up in an attempt to rescue him. I must say this is completely ineffective. |
回覆者:Muda 發表數:124 IP:218.170.113.* | 2008-07-12 06:19:23 |
回覆 台中房地產分析 於 :2008-07-12 01:22:25 的發言內容
對自己沒自信的人,才會秀一些沒關係的東西來取得別人對自己的肯定We all know that you are a fool and a clown. In the future, whenever I have a message for you, I'd write it in English, so that you can practice reading it. If you can't understand my writing, well, that's expected. You are the real KanBuDong - the real joker! 自會用貶損別人的方式來突顯自己 手法實在太拙劣了 看你寫的東西越看越沒營養 以前是垃圾食物,現在已變成有毒物質了 |
回覆者:Muda 發表數:124 IP:218.170.113.* | 2008-07-12 06:12:20 |
我不知秀英文和房地產有何關係??? | |
回覆者:台中房地產分析 發表數:711 IP:72.232.76.* | 2008-07-12 01:22:25 |
回覆 看不懂 於 :2008-07-11 16:42:21 的發言內容
We all know that you are a fool and a clown. In the future, whenever I have a message for you, I'd write it in English, so that you can practice reading it. If you can't understand my writing, well, that's expected. You are the real KanBuDong - the real joker!
教房地產? 哈哈 |
回覆者:看不懂 發表數:318 IP:163.29.223.* | 2008-07-11 16:42:21 |
教房地產? 哈哈 既然你提了,我就慷慨笑你一次 你的房地產非常差...大家都知道 |
回覆者:台中房地產分析 發表數:711 IP:72.232.76.* | 2008-07-11 15:07:20 |
回覆 好事多 於 :2008-07-11 13:23:12 的發言內容
畢竟是典型讀死書的。Oh, My English is poor? (I never say my English is well, but I feel my English level is higher than yous) How about go to high school to learn English together? 你"感覺"你的英文比我的好?哈哈。 既然你提了,我就慷慨教你一次,反正在此教房地產好幾年了。 "你的英文非常差" 在這裡,poor和bad是都可以用的(Your English is bad. vs. Your English is poor)。我兩者都用,因為同一段或句子附近最好不要用同一個字兩次,否則看起來太單調沒變化,同時也顯示你擁有的字彙太少。在另一場合,我很窮(I am very poor.)和我很壞(I am very bad.),poor和bad則沒有相等的意思。 英文世界裡有同義字辭典(thesaurus)就是讓寫作者選擇作變化用的。 Bad有多少同義字呢? abandoned, abject, abominable, abysmal, adverse, aggravated, annoying, arrant, atrocious, awful, baleful, baneful, barren, base, big, bitter, blameworthy, blemished, contaminated, contrite, corrupt, criminal, cruddy, damnable, dangerous, defective, deficient, degrading, deleterious, delinquent, delitescent, demeritorious, demoralized, deplorable, depraved, depressing, despicable, detestable, detrimental, diabolic, dilapidated, dire, disadvantageous, disagreeable, discreditable, diseased, disobedient, displeasing, disreputable, dissolute, distressed, dreadful, egregious, evil, excruciating, execrable, faulty, feeble, felonious, flagitious, flagrant, foul, graceless, grave, grievous, gross, hard, hardened, harmful, hazardous, heavy, heinous, hurtful, ignominious, ill, immoral, imperfect, improper, inadequate, inappropriate, inarable, inauspicious, incompetent, incorrigible, ineffective, infamous, infelicitous, inferior, infertile, iniquitous, injurious, irreparable, knavish, lamentable, lewd, libertine, licentious, lousy, mal, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, melancholy, misbehaving, mischievous, miscreant, mortal, nasty, naughty, nefarious, no good, noisome, noxious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, pernicious, perverted, poor, prejudicial, profligate, putrid, rancid, rascal, reprehensible, reprobate, repulsive, rotten, scoundrel, seedy, serious, severe, shady, sick, sinful, sinister, sordid, sorry, spoiled, squalid, stinking, tainted, troublesome, undesirable, unfavorable, unlucky, unpleasant, unprincipled, unproductive, unpropitious, unredeemable, unrighteous, unruly, unsavory, unscrupulous, untimely, untoward, unwelcome, unwholesome, vicious, vile, villainous, viperous, wanton, weak, wicked, worthless 但注意同義字並不一定是可交換的(interchangeable),使用前還是要查證是否妥當。 好了,馬放過去了。 |
回覆者:看不懂 發表數:318 IP:163.29.223.* | 2008-07-11 13:39:19 |
回覆 看不懂 於 :2008-07-11 12:50:40 的發言內容
裝模作樣的人勢必被社會淘汰看來這種臉皮超厚的分析大王 每天都在嚐萬人踐踏而不會臉紅的 就只有台中房地產分析這個由鉅王 一種可能是強顏歡笑,內心愁苦,蹲在角落哭泣 另一種就沒救了,抱著他的由鉅大宅網路上自爽 |
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